Bad Day

When I’m having a bad day, I must remember to be grateful for the things and circumstances that are good in my life.
Yes, this is difficult when I am in the thick of it, and all I want to do is get the hell out so I can feel relieved I’m away from the negative crap that’s going on around me. But I need to stop, and realize I was placed here at this point in this time in the universe to make a difference and turn it around to benefit not just my outlook but the people I’m working with. So How do I do this?
1) I appreciate the people and place I’m working with
2) I smile and tell everyone how special they are to me
3) I give them a hug
All these things make me feel good when someone does it to me, so why not.
I remember viewing a video of a man with no arms and legs. It’s burned in my soul as a reminder “I REALLY DON’T HAVE A DAM THING TO EVER COMPLAIN ABOUT”.
Thank You Nick 🙂
Athena Allen