50 Shades of Grey ‘Movie review’

Yes, yes, yes, I’m one of the million readers of the infamous, ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ by EL James. I’ve read the Trilogy three times and still can’t put it down in between, bathroom breaks, eating, sleeping and oh yah, going to work and earning a living.
I was half way through the first book, looked over at my husband and said ‘We are going to change somethings’. In one short summery, our marriage reached a new erotic height. EL James opened up new possibilities for the conservative wives of the world and when we all heard the movie was coming out the simmering anticipation grew very hot.
I read all, “Harry Potter’ JK Rowling books, but the movies were so disappointing, my insides did this crab them by the lapels, through you up against the wall, to the point of loss of breath, to Warner Brothers.
I wanted ‘Fifty Shades’ script to live up to its right, to be written with the same deep breathing, sensual lip licking, between the legs, hot throbbing drama we all read about and guess what, it did.
The movie, from start to its 2 hour finish was, mmmmmmm, 85.6% true to its sumptuous book reviews. Yes there are some things missing, but you can put so much into the movie that’s two hours or less. However for those of us that have read the book, I believe if they left in the stalking submissive, and the texting, emailing emotional turmoil of how they build their love for one another, it would of been, ‘The Titanic’ of today.
Athena Allen