Live Walking Yoga Podcast Episode #1 Pose Guide
'GIVE' Poses
'SUNSET' Poses
Yoga Disclaimer
SIFSG Productions makes every attempt to research and give you accurate information on all video’s, podcasts, live walking yoga, LSBY and products sold on our website.
Each program we share is provided for general purposes only. a
Our programs and advice DO NOT constitute healthcare or medical advice.
Substitute for the advice provided by your doctor or other healthcare professional.
All decision making concerning dietary changes, medical diagnosis, or courses of treatment should be based in partnership with your physician or healthcare professional.
Any suggestions or claims about the health benefits concerning healthy recipes, yoga poses, yoga breathing, meditation as well as comic innuendos, sexual preferences, have not been approved by the food & drug administration or any other authority.
If you have any ailments and experience discomfort, strain or uneasiness or any other DIS-EASE in your body after implementing our advise into your healthcare, SIFSG Productions and its subsidiaries is legally NOT liable.